Perusahaan Sentral Cargo dengan fokus bisnis utama Ekspedisi (pengiriman barang atau paket yang besar) membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi sebagai DRIVER penempatan DENPASAR dan BALIKPAPAN,
Persyaratan :
1. Laki-Laki
2. Memahami seluruh area
3. Pendidikan minimal SMA
4. Minimal memiliki SIM A
5. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
Apabila berminat silahkan kirimkan berkas surat lamaran, CV, KTP dan SIM aktif
* Male
* Minimum education Diploma (D3) or Bachelor (S1) All majors
* Have good communication skills
* Able to work with teams and individuals
* Having experience as a content creator, copywriter, talent or work related to content marketing is an added value
* Confident and used to appear in front of the camera
* Have high creativity
📍 Placement: Sentral Cargo Head Office (Central Jakarta)
* Create interesting and quality content
* Develop creative and unique content ideas to promote the company's products or services.
* Writing and editing content well to match the brand tone and message to be conveyed.
* Promote content through social media platforms (IG and Tiktok).
Please listen carefully to the qualifications.
If you are interested or have colleagues who match the qualifications, please send the latest CV via the Application Form.
Good Luck✨
📍 Placement: Sentral Cargo Head Office (Central Jakarta)
If you are interested or have colleagues who match the qualifications, please send the latest CV via the Application Form.
Good Luck✨