List of Package Delivery Status Code
The following are terms used to monitor delivery process:
Resend (R)
The package was unable to be delivered, so our delivery courier will reattempt delivery the following day.
Bad Address (BA)
The destination address is unclear, or there is an error in writing the address, street/house/RT/RW number, postal code, etc. An attempt to contact the recipient was made but unanswered. The package is currently still with the courier.
The recipient's name is not recognized, or they do not live at the destination address. This could be due to incorrect writing of name or address when sending the package.
CODA (Closed Once Delivery Attempt)
The package was sent to the destination address, but the address is incorrect or empty. Please get in touch with a representative at Sentral Cargo.
Criss Cross (CC)
The package was unintentionally switched with another package.
The package was sent and delivered to the destination address.
The package was received by Sentral Cargo and is currently being processed for delivery.
The package is currently on the wrong route. Sentral Cargo will reroute to the correct destination.
NTH (Not Home)
The package has been delivered to the destination address, but nobody was present to receive it.
On Process
The package is being processed for delivery.
On Transit
The package is in transit in another city and will soon be on its way to the destination city.
ROD (Received on Destination)
The package was received by a Sentral Cargo representative at the destination city and is waiting to be sent to its final address.