Sentral Cargo Pekalongan - Pekalongan is a city in the province of Central Java, Indonesia. The city is bordered by the Java Sea in the north, Batang Regency in the east, and Pekalongan Regency in the south and west, and is located on the Pantura Line that connects Jakarta - Semarang - Surabaya.
Due to its very strategic location between Jakarta and Surabaya, the economy of Pekalongan City is quite advanced among other cities in Central Java, namely in the fields of industry, fisheries and property. In the field of fisheries, Pekalongan City has the largest fishing port on the island of Java.
This port is often a transit and auction area for marine catches by fishermen from various regions. In addition, in Pekalongan City there are many marine product processing companies, such as salted fish, shrimp paste, sardines, and fish crackers, both large-scale companies and home industries.
Opening of New Sentral Cargo Service Office in Pekalongan
Pekalongan, 12 March 2022 – Sentral Cargo has officially opened 4 new service offices located in the Pekalongan area and its surroundings. "With the opening of these offices, we hope to make it easier for business people to use the Sentral Cargo expedition service in the Pekalongan area. Not only that, we also always try our best to provide our best service to all our customers," said one of the Sentral Cargo Management.
As of that date, now Sentral Cargo Pekalongan has officially operated in delivering goods and receiving goods from all over Indonesia.
For more information contact:
Sentral Cargo Pekalongan Buaran
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Pasar Banyu Urip
Buaran No 607 RT005 RW007
Pekalongan 51171
Endang - 085387666485
Open Hours : 09:00 - 18:00
Sentral Cargo Pekalongan Kajen
Jl. Pahlawan RT013 RW006
Desa Nyamok, Kec.Kajen
Pekalongan 51161
Rudi - 081386837294
Open Hours : 09:00 - 18:00
Sentral Cargo Batang Limpung
Jl. Raya Limpung R002 RW005
Banyuputih Kab. Batang
Jawa Tengah 51271
Olivia - 085870186187
Rudi - 081386837294
Open Hours : 09:00 - 18:00
Sentral Cargo Batang
Jl. Raya Pantura, Kedungmiri, Kasepuhan
Kec. Batang, Kabupaten Batang
Jawa Tengah 51123
Sentral Cargo Pusat Roxy Mas
Komplek Ruko ITC Roxy Mas Blok C3 No. 33
Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari , Jakarta Pusat 10150
Customer Services
Telp. 0216303456
WhatsApp 082288883970
Email : [email protected]
Open Hours : 09:00 - 23:30
Pekalongan Cargo Postage Rates throughout Indonesia
In facilitating businesses and other manufacturers, Sentral Cargo always offers very relevant prices. The following is a list of shipping prices from Pekalongan to all over Indonesia:
*The postage above is subject to change at any time, for further details, you can directly check at the destination city or sub-district on the Sentral Cargo website.
Also read:
Sentral Cargo Hadir Lagi di Kota Surabaya, Kirim Barang Mudah, Aman dan Cepat
Turut Kembangkan Bisnis, Sentral Cargo Tambah Kantor Layanan di Kendal
Sentral Cargo Pindah Alamat, Kini Layanan Ekspedisi Sidoarjo Lebih Dekat
Sentral Cargo Always provides the Best Service
Sentral Cargo is an expedition service company based in DKI Jakarta with our service offices spread throughout Indonesia. The following are the advantages that we provide to all loyal Sentral Cargo customers:
Free Pick Up Service
We will pick up your goods with a minimum weight of 10 kilograms and make it easier for your goods to arrive at their destination quickly. Goods Pickup We use a flexible method of customer pick-up time. We remind our customers that our service is only a service for sending your goods, not packing your goods. So make sure your goods are packed neatly and safely.
Delivery of Goods with Wide Coverage
Goods delivery courier services support online and offline businesses for MSME entrepreneurs, online shops, and large companies. You don't have to worry about the destination of your shipment because in every province, Sentral Cargo service offices are spread out in both big cities and small cities.
Delivery System Using Computerized Method
We provide delivery services with computerized system methods and technology update facilities. Every package or item that will be sent beforehand is always weighed and given a barcode on the shipment so that it is entered in our system. All of our work is done through a system to make it easier for customers to track goods.
Tracking Goods or Tracking Receipts
This service is one of our most superior services because it uses a computerized system and sophisticated technology as well as updates to developing technology. Customers will find it easy to monitor shipments of goods in real time wherever you are.
Professional & Customer Service Team
Sentral Cargo has a team of more than 800 human resources who are ready to serve shipments of goods from the time they come to our place by bringing the goods to their destination, because we have a trained team and we have high responsibility customer service.
Safe & Fast
This is one of our priorities as a freight forwarder, namely the security of goods and also the speed in sending goods or packages to reach the recipient's hands.
Door To Door Service
Our service method as a freight forwarder is to serve every delivery of goods or receipt of goods, always pick up on the spot and deliver the goods according to the intended address.
Shipping Insurance
Delivery of goods that you think has a fairly large value of goods, We provide insurance services on goods. So that having double security on the goods is also more secure and safe from risk if something happens then our party is ready to replace if there is a loss of goods. The safety of consignments due to imperfect packing of goods as well as the use of damaged boxes often occurs, causing losses and it is necessary to pay attention to the sender of the goods.
Save Items
Sentral Cargo freight forwarding services have prices or shipping costs that are relatively affordable for people to send goods to the territory of Indonesia. Check the shipping rates for the intended delivery destination.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Shipping Services
What are the goods that can be sent by Sentral Cargo?
Sentral Cargo sends almost all types of goods such as packages, documents and cargo in large quantities. Shipping restrictions:
Dangerous goods and prohibited items such as animals, gold, silver, money, jewelry and precious metals, narcotics
Combustible goods: explosives, firearms and ammunition, firecrackers or fireworks, alcohol
Food and beverages that are not authorized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Barang-barang ilegal lainnya.
Sentral Cargo sends almost all types of goods such as packages, documents and cargo in large quantities. Shipping restrictions:
Dangerous goods and prohibited items such as animals, gold, silver, money, jewelry and precious metals, narcotics
Combustible goods: explosives, firearms and ammunition, firecrackers or fireworks, alcohol
Food and beverages that are not authorized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Barang-barang ilegal lainnya.
You can check other conditions in the Shipping Terms and Conditions.
How long is the shipping process?
Our delivery service takes about 2-3 days. You can check the estimate in the Check Postage section.
Can I check the location of my order?
Of course. You can check the status of the delivery of goods by entering the receipt number on the goods track service at Check Receipt.