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Hoxton, N1 6NG, UK.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Relocation Address of Drop Point Sentral Cargo Kediri

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Relocation Address of Drop Point Sentral Cargo Kediri

Announcement of Drop Point Relocation

In order to provide good service, we hereby notify the implementation of moving the address (relocation) of the Service Office / Drop Point with the following information:

Old Address

Kapten Tendean St. No.16,

Tosaren, Kec. Pesantren,

Kota Kediri,

Jawa Timur 64131

New Address

Kapten Tendean St. No.243,

Blabak, Kec. Pesantren,

Kabupaten Kediri,

Jawa Timur 64135

The implementation of the address transfer starts from June 27, 2023. Thus the information we convey, for your attention and cooperation to Sentral Cargo, we thank you.

Jakarta, 27 June 2023

Sentral Cargo